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  • cheryl0902

My First Blog: Looking forward to knowing you

Welcome to my website, and my first blog! I’m happy you’re here and I’m looking forward to growing this space with you. Please feel free to connect with me if there are topics you want to know more about, or if you have questions about what I’m sharing in this space.

What a time we’ve come through! I’ve heard all kinds of stories and witnessed firsthand the impact of the changes that have occurred. It’s definitely been challenging for some, maybe most, and through it all I’ve seen such incredible heart in people so many times. How do you engage with change? Are there aspects of you that show up that have surprised you either because of their strength or their vulnerability? Or are you someone who “goes with the flow” and adjustments come more naturally? Or somewhere in between?

For me, as a self-identified introvert, I adopted the mantra “everything is up for evaluation.” I decided to take a step back and watch the changes unfold in my life, and respond in a more thoughtful way than in the past, re-evaluate, and then see what came out of that before deciding anything. It meant I was called over and over to check my own meaning-making, see my reactions as they came up or just notice when I wanted to react, and sit in discomfort sometimes. It wasn’t easy, and it still isn’t sometimes, but as I evaluated my own life and my relationships I slowly found I was more engaged in life and feeling better about my choices. They took me closer to who I want to be. I started to feel more like I was actively creating the life I wanted to live, and becoming the person I wanted to be. Part of the change has been starting my own private practice. That has allowed me to fully step into my personal word for the last three years…sovereignty. Scary and exciting all at the same time! And so worth it.

I want to leave you with a poem by Hafiz that I was recently introduced to.

"There is a beautiful creature living in a hole you have dug. So at night I set fruit and grains and little pots of milk beside your soft earthen mounds, and I often sing. But still, my dear, you do not come out. I have fallen inlove iwth someone who hides inside you. we should talk about this problem--otherwise i will never leave you alone."

It reminds me of how I feel compelled to know more and more about myself, and how precious and sacred that exploration is. If you’re interested in knowing more about how you can come closer to the YOU you want to be, or finding out who that is exactly, I would be honored to explore that with you.

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